Sunday, July 29, 2012

What Ifs?

07/29/12 -  415lbs    One of the biggest parts of this journey is learning how to beat the demons. There are the ones that say eat more it will be okay, snack on this just a little won't hurt, (that's a super duper dangerous one, I can eat anything in moderation as long as I am eating whats good for me 80% of the time.) The demons version of a little bit and a healthy serving size are vastly different.Then there are the what if's demons. What if you never lose all the weight? What if you lose the weight and you still can't move around because of your ankles? What if you lose all the weight and your anxiety kicks in and you still don't leave the house? What if  you put all this weight all back on? What if I never learn how to tell these demons to go to hell?

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