Friday, November 16, 2012

Next Issue

11/16/22 - 362lbs  So the next thing I need to talk to my Dr about is the pain in my feet and ankles. Sometimes I wonder if it's all in my head. The swelling in my ankle, and the jerk my body does when the pain start shooting up my foot, or the fire I feel on my shins that brings tears to my eyes are very real to me.
  Happy Friday everybody!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thanksgiving Plans

11/15/12 - 363lbs   Well Connie has her first official training day as a cashier today.
    Connie and I spent two weeks convincing my mom to let us help cook Thanksgiving Dinner, and Andrew called yesterday and has a brined turkey already ordered. Lol, oh well plans change. Now we all will help cook dinner.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Target and Walmart

11/14/12  - 365lbs   Connie had orientation last night, and starts training on Thursday. I think she will enjoy the experience.
  I haven't been to Walmart since Sept. and I get to go again today. I am very happy. I love shopping at Walmart.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Test Results

11/12/12 - 365lbs   Today is the celebration of Veterans Day. Thank you veterans for all you have done for this country! Thank you families of service people, and those still serving, for all you have done also!
   I got my test results, and they were great. Better than my Dr. expected! I don't have to go see the Pulminolagist, for 6 months.I don't have to go back to my sleep apnea Dr. til Jan. 10th.
   Connie and I are helping with Thanksgiving this year, and we want to make a holiday cocktail. If anybody reading this has any suggestions, we would appreciate all suggestions.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Target Cashier

11/10/12 - 365lbs   Connie got the job, pending some more paperwork she has to take care of on Monday. I hope she has as much fun being a cashier as I have over the years.
     My ankle has been swollen and very painful the last two days. I'm icing it, but I have no idea what I did to it.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Job Interview for Connie

11/09/12  - 366lbs.    Connie is at a job interview as I write this. I hope it works out for her.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


11/08/12 - 365lbs.   Thanksgiving is 2 weeks from today. It really is true that time goes by faster, the older you get. I have been here for 8 months already. I have lost 143  pounds and have 191 pounds to go. I have gotten rid of the wheelchair, potty chair, shower chair, and only use the walker for long distances.
    I get so caught up in the numbers and the daily grind of choices, choices, choices that I forget to be happy about how far I've come. I am so focused on the next number, the next goal, that I don't celebrate the victories.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Changing Views

11/06/12 - 366lbs     It's weird or funny how you change. I have never been a techno gadget person. I have always resisted the latest gizmo and gadget. I still haven't how to copy and paste on a consistent basis. I really want to learn how to copy and paste pictures from one place to a different page. Sorry, off track, lately I  have been seeing some gadgets that I will get if I ever hit the lottery lol.
    The first one is an Ipod. I know they have been around forever, but I have been using something called an Ipod touch that belongs to Connie on my walks. So much fun to walk to music.
    The second one is a Wii system. The ladies on Spark pages rave about the zumba and dancing games. they claim you don't need to have great eye hand coordination to use this and that it's a lot of fun.
     The third one is a Kindle. E -Readers are not something I've ever been interested in. Sue brought hers with her when she came, and it was really cool. Since I have been spending a lot of time at Dr's offices lately, I see how great they are.
     Anyway, isn't it fun to dream?

Monday, November 5, 2012


11/05/12  366lbs.   I have been walking the path behind the house everyday, but I'm starting to feel like that it's not enough. I don't think that I have enough strength to do the longer path yet. I think I'm going to try to walk the path twice a day. I'm not sure if I can do it, but I'm going to give it a try.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Safe Trip

11/03/12  367lbs    Connie made it last night, complete with about 75lbs of luggage. I swear her purse alone weight over 20 pounds. Now she is has to develop a normal so she feels comfortable. That is also very true of my parents. Things constantly change.  The bottom line is we are all very happy she is here.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Connie Comes Today!!!!

11/02/12 - 368lbs    It's finally here. Connie Comes Today!!!!!!!!
      This morning we are off to get the handicapped parking cards the Dr signed the paperwork for.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Waiting For Connie

11/01/12 - 367lbs    This is the worlds slowest week. I'm sure for Connie it seems like time has sped up. Trying to get everything done before tomorrow morning.