Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I'm Sorry What Size?

06/13/12 -435 lbs. I was thinking this morning that I have lost 75lbs.and I am pretty happy with that, I wish it was more but, oh well. But really, how much weight do I have to lose before I change sizes. I am still wearing the 500lb. clothes. I was talking to a friend of mine about clothes shopping the other day, and I told her the only way I can get clothes to fit is to order online. they don't carry clothes in my size in stores. Forget about what is stylish or looks good, as my mom said, small tent is small tent. It would be nice if the small tent would get a little smaller once in awhile.I found a pretty good weight loss web site called Sparkpeople. Check it out.


  1. Why not find clothes in your size? Have you looked hard enough? Just here to push you, as you would me, I love you!!

  2. P.S.. I do no how to sew, so I could make your clothes. Just a thought.
