08/28/12 - 399lbs. Yesterday I broke free of the 400's. I am still looking for 398 because somehow that number is more real to me than 399. Still, 399 makes for a very nice weigh in. I love the way people react when my Mom and Dad tell them I broke 400. Today I have to go pick up an in home monitor that is going to check my oxygen levels at night to see if I can get rid of the night time oxygen. Fingers crossed. I don't know if I was nervous about the birthday celebration happening 3 States away, or what but I had the worst case of munchies I've had in awhile. I finally went to bed early to make them go away.
You go girl.......keep walking and zomba along, you are doing AWESOME!!! So proud of you!! I wish I was like you, you fight daily, and don't give up! You never loose your spirit, you don't complain, and you are always there to lift everyone up. You don't expect anything in return. You listen to what everyone is doing around you, and never say what you really want to do. You have the fight of a real warrior that I admire and I wish I was like. I love you, and when I grow up, I wanna be just like you!