06/29/12 -426lbs I am sort of continuing with what I said yesterday. Ii am so much more mobile now than I was in March. I hope that by October I will be able to get around well enough so I can leave the house. I have found that not leaving the house, seems to make me more sensitive. I get angry when I get leftovers and others go out to eat. My brain understands that going out to eat is a well deserved treat. I understand that my choices are what got me in this predicament in the first place. I understand that I am not being left out. What I don't understand is why I'm so angry or hurt? The real kicker is when I cook for myself I cook big on the weekend and eat leftovers all week because I like them. This anger and hurt seems to come out of nowhere sometimes and I wish I knew what to do with it. On top of my hyper sensitivity my Mom asked me if I was going to be able to handle the food while they are in Breckenridge. I told her I was 98% sure I would be okay. I'm more worried about all the trips up and down the stairs than I am about the food, but I would be lying if I didn't admit that I am a little concerned about the food. I also know however that If I blow it, the person I'm hurting the most is me.
P.S. It's Thankful Friday, and I have been blessed with the best friends and family ever!!